Friday, February 13, 2009

Weight Workout

Here are some exercise suggestions for targeted muscle groups:

Legs: (Use your heavier hand weights and begin with three sets of ten, resting 30 seconds in between. Choose two or three of these.)
Squats (with hand weights or a bar)
Plie Squats
Stationary Lunges
Traveling Lunges
Calf Raises
First position plie
Leg Extensions (machine)
Leg Press (machine)

Bench Press (bar or machine)
Chest flies (hand weights)
Dumbbell Press
Wide angle push-ups

Hinged arm rows (using one weight in one arm, wrap that elbow behind the body)
Bent over raises (bent at waist, lift weights up like you're flying to shoulder height)
Wide-grip Pulldowns (on a machine)

One armed shoulder raise (hand weights)
Double arm shoulder raise
" " with a bar
Upright rows
Overhead dumbbell press

Bicep curls front(bar or hand weights)
Bicep curls with a rotation out (on the way up)

Dips (off of a stool, piano bench, weight bench or chair)
Overhead presses
Narrow stance push-ups (like a grasshopper, hands under shoulders and elbows into ribs)
Tricep kickbacks (cock elbow behind and lift weight straight back)

Moving with Modbe DVD
The Hundred
Ab crunches
Low plank holds
Double leg lower (on back)

Weight Training 101

"I'm afraid I'll get big and bulky and sprout hair out my chin."

Well, no you won't ladies. Resistance training, sometimes called weight training or weight lifting, when done correctly, rarely bulks ups the female frame. In fact, using bars, machines and hand weights will actually lean you out faster than an exercise regime with cardio only.

The more muscle mass you have, the harder your body must work to carry that mass around. That means your metabolism, or the rate at which you burn calories, will increase. Weight training is one of the only ways to increase your metabolism; the other is interval cardio workouts. Your body burns...drum calories carrying around fat. On the other hand, you burn three calories per pound of muscle on your body! Also, weight training is one of the best and only ways to build bone density. So you must lift weights to hit your weight and health goals!

Oh yeah- and your body looks great too! Cut arms and the great cut of a Modbe swimsuit=euphoria!

So how do you get started and how much should you do?

1. Choose a time and place and do it consistently, at least twice a week. Pump up your favorite music to pump up your body!
2. If you're at home, buy some hand weights, 5 and 8 lbs., or heavier if you need it.
3. There are excellent books on exercises for specific muscle groups. I like Body for Life. It's at all of the libraries.
4. Do upper body on one day, lower body and abs on another. Your goal is to fatigue the muscle group completely. This means that by the last five or so reps, you should be wondering if you can finish.
5. Slow and steady will get you more results than fast, out of control movements.
6. Use the mind-body connection you've gained through pilates to isolate the targeted muscle groups.
7. Use your core! Bicep curls- do it balanced on one foot. Tricep overhead reaches- tuck in the abs so that your low back is protected.
8. You can use your own body weight. When squatting, for example, you can concentrate on flexing the quads on the way up, and pushing through your hamstrings if you aren't ready for the weights yet.
9. Don't be embarrassed if you don't know muscle names or exercises. The Internet, Youtube, and library are full of great resources. Almost all gyms will let you have a free two-week membership; get it, and then use the desk folks and trainers. Have them show you around and how to use the equipment.
10. You can do more than you think! Be fearless but wise, and make sure you take ten minutes to stretch.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Sweet Swim Dreams

Here are some interesting sleep facts:

1. Enough sleep (which is actually 8-10 hours for most adults) aids in the repair of your body's tissues. Muscles rebuilt, wrinkles smooth, and your mind sorts through the stimuli of the day. Without enough sleep, our muscles cannot grow and our brain cells cannot recover. We have trouble with agility, memorizing, coping with stress and being creative on low sleep.

2. Beauty sleep is for real. You've seen the bags, deeper wrinkles and circles on too little sleep. Before you reach for botox, reach for your pillow.

3. Olympic athletes are required to get at least 9 hours of sleep a night.

4. Going to bed at the same time every night and waking up at the same time will help you sleep deeper and begin to repair your body.

5. Eating a big meal,salty or sugary or ice-creamy snacks before bedtime will interrupt your sleep and add pounds.

6. Your brainwaves are more active when you are asleep when you are sleeping than when we're watching T.V.

7. Sleep is not valued in American culture. Many times in the business world you are looked down upon if you retire early and don't pull crazy hours. Keep this obstacle in mind and realize that this perception is incorrect. It is OK to sleep.

8. Sleep deprivation is robbing us of our health, our energy, a healthy appearance and greater cognitive ability.

9. Long naps disrupt the nightly sleep cycle, but if you do swing shift or have a baby, nap until you've caught up to eight hours.

10. If waking up is hard for you, throw open the curtains and expose yourself to a lot of light. Realize that poor nutrition may be playing with your sleep.

Where Did You Get Those Arms?

From Modbe, girl!

I bet you didn't know that Modbe is in the sexy arm business- but they are! Really and truly, pilates and yoga have built my arms probably more than anything else. The Modbe Move DVD has some great instruction on push-ups, shoulder work and back definition.

Another benefit of push-ups is just that- a push-up. If you are small chested, push-ups will finally give you some muscle up to put beneath the new swim line. If you have a full figure, push-ups will build more muscle and actually lift the girls so that we sag less. All around, push-ups are amazing!

"But Dawn, push-ups hurt..."

Yes, but having orangutan arms hurts worse!

Here are some tips if push-ups aren't on your Valentine's love list:

1. Have confidence that you can do hard things!
2. Angle your hands in slightly, or make fists to give you more wrist support.
3. Do them against a wall or bed frame.
4. Get you fanny out of the air! Drops your hips to the angle of your knee. See the Modbe Move DVD if you are a visual learner.
5. So that hangy stuff off of the back of our arms... we can conquer it! The thing we have to realize, though, is that TRICEPS NEED TO ACHE for you to know that all three muscle heads are engaged. So- no pain, so gain, ladies. Do your push-ups!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Core Bicycle

The Bicycle.

Laying on the floor, bring your legs up to a 90 degree angle and take a deep pilates breath, pulling navel to your spine. With hands behind the head, reach your sternum for the opposite knee, keeping the armpit open. This will force you to twist with the core, rather than the neck. For an added degree of challenge, completely extend the opposite leg as you twist. Perform this ten times slowly, imagining you are wringing out your core like a damp towel. This exercise will not only make your side and legs ache, but will slim them as well!

Crunch Your Abs, Not Your Neck

Pilates Crunches!

Lay on the floor with feet flat, placing one hand on your stomach and one hand behind the head. Nod your head to lengthen the neck. Exhale the body forward, eyes on the knees, pulling your belly button down away from your hand towards the floor. If you feel your stomach muscles bulging up into your hand, more mindfully apply pilates breathing. Think “navel to spine” on each movement. Inhale the body down, and repeat slowly ten times. You stomach muscles will train themselves to flatten with this movement.

Lose a Dress Size in One Breath

Lose a Dress Size in One Breath

To feel the difference Pilates can make, just try the Pilates breath. Placing your hands on your ribs, inhale your navel into your low spine. As you slowly exhale through pursed lips, pull the navel back further into your body. Press your ribs together as you exhale, like you’re trying to fasten a vest that is too small. You will immediately feel your core muscles contracting back into the body and the cinching of your waistline.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Pilates Bear Hunt

Desert Island... I bet you are all wishing that was dessert island!

Are you looking for escape? You need to stop looking for the exit in this trial. Some things we have to go right through. You can do difficult things. It's like the bear hunt: can't go over it, can't go under it, we've got to go through it. So hang in there. Mentally stay in, go through, and don't look for the way out.

You have done other hard things in your life. Use that as proof that you can go without sugar for two more days. Your health is worth it. Your self respect is worth it. You are worth it!

Neck Aches and Ab Exercises

Sometimes when we do exercises for our core, our neck aches. Why is this?

Your head weighs over 15 pounds! This is a lot for your neck to support, particularly if you are in a reclining position. Here are a couple of tips to help your neck ache less:

1. Align before you execute. do a head nod before any pilates exercise that requires you do flex your body forward. Drop the chin, lengthening through the back of your neck. Do not jam the the chin, but do put your neck in natural line with your upper spine.

2. Look at your knees. There is nothing to read on the ceiling, so don't look at it!

3. "Hen pecking." If you are looking up when yo do crunches, you tend to reach with the neck and take the body up instead of forward. Concentrate on crunching your abs together, not pulling or relying on the neck at all.

4. Set your head down whenever you need to during an exercise, then flex forward through the abs again. You could also place on hand behind the head for support. You should not interlace your hands behind your head; cradle the sides of your skull instead.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Pantry Basics

Here are items that I cook with extensively and always have on hand. With these, I can make my shopping trips be almost all fresh produce. This keeps me around the perimeter of the store and out of the aisles, which means I am tempted by colors, smells and tastes of fresh foods and not the colors and crinkly-paper sounds of Oreo boxes!

Old Fashioned Oats
Vanilla Soy Milk (I use this instead of milk because I love the flavor, I like being dairy-free, and it keeps on the shelf so I don't have to go the store.)
Morning Moos dried Milk
Pure Maple Syrup
Raw Nuts
Whole Grain Pasta: Tortellini, Spaghetti, Angle Hair, Penne, Bow tie, Lasagna, Orzo
Sun dried Tomatoes
Raisins, Dried Cherries, Dried Plums
Canned: Sugar free fruits, low-fat cream of everything, diced Italian style tomatoes, olives, tomato sauce, black beans, great northern beans, kidney beans, garbanzo beans
Raw popcorn (grind this for awesome corn bread)
Basmati rice (mmm!)
Brown Rice
Whole grain long wild rice
Sea Salt
Fresh pepper for grinding, peppercorns
Garlic- refrigerated, pre-smooshed
Spices- get one a grocery trip and you'll have an awesome assortment
Lemon Juice, Lime Juice
Olive Oil, Canola oil, Sesame Oil
Soy, Worcester Sauce
Organic Raw Peanut Butter
Canned Chicken and Tuna, water packed
Lentils, Pinto, White, Navy and Kidney beans, dry
Red and Yellow Onions

Parchment Paper
Pam Spray
A great blender, santoku knife, little food chopper and zester. I want a nice mixer and mill, but I need to do some rad Modbe parties to save up for them...

Pilates and Pregnancy

Many, many women wonder about their abs as the those muscles slowly disappear with pregnancy. What can you do during pregnancy? Is pilates dangerous? How do I keep unnecessary weight off?

First, you need to know what happens to your core during pregnancy. The muscles up the center of your tummy are called the rectus abdominus. They are responsible for helping you pull up, roll forward, and crunch. During pregnancy these muscles move away from the center line of your body towards your sides. Kind of like a curtain parting. You'll especially notice this after month five. You'll see a type of peak or teepee form above your belly button when you are lying down and try to sit up.

This peak is a great guideline for small crunches or better named "roll-up." You always want to stay beneath the bulge point. Do when doing a crunch, hands on the sides of your skull, roll the body through your spine, just to the point where your upper abs are engaged but beneath the bulge point. If you overwork your rectus abdominus, you will pull your abs apart further than you want, and may create a permanent separation. This is called diastasis and you don't want it!

The whole "bulge-point" discussion applies to all pilates workouts. I know the breathing can seem tricky or pointless, but it is the opposite. Pulling your core in purposely with your breath helps you flatten rather than bulk your abs. You can totally overwork the rectus, get buff, and get bulgy abs (like the dudes on covers of muscle magazines) rather than flattening your midsection. So even when you're not pregnant, focus intensely on pulling the navel to the spine.

A great option when you're pregnant is doing these exercises on a fitness ball. You can do nearly all of the moves on one! There are great videos out there- try "Stott Pilates for Pregnancy on the Ball." Also, pop in the Moving with Modbe DVD and just try the moves on the ball. This keeps your back supported and gets enough blood to your uterus; a full floor incline can be dangerous. Just listen to your body, and if something doesn't "feel right," then trust that! You don't need a logical reason.

Having said that, you have low abdominals (the transverse abdominus, which is the focus of the breath), obliques, arms, a back and legs that can all take a good whipping in pregnancy! So in the Moving with Modbe DVD, you can do a majority of the exercises! These will also help you stay limber yet strong for delivery. I did all three with no meds thanks to great coaching, nutrition, exercise, and a supportive husband and staff.

You have legs and walk upright- that's what makes us human by definition. We are meant to walk! Build up weekly; add distance, add time, and get good shoes. Roll from your feel through the ball of your foot. Download my play list from an earlier post and move it. There are very few excuses for not moving. You will feel more in control, your labor will be more comfortable and you'll recover very quickly. However, listen to you doctor! If you've had blood clots, preemies, or other complication, listen to your doc. Ask questions- and then move as much as the doc says. I taught spin classes right up until mine were due.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Reading List

A characteristic of almost all self-made millionaires is that they read at least one non-fiction book a month. I am not a millionaire yet, but I can't even tell you how reading books on topics I am passionate about have kept me going with my health and goals. Here are some of my favorite wellness reads and cookbooks:

Cook 1.0
Green for Life
Mindless Eating (the book on CD is awesome and great on a roadie)
Body for Life
Superfoods RX
Disease-proof your child and Eat to Live
Lunchbox Lessons
The Volumetrics Weight Plan

Other Books that have brought me personal power and helped me with sales:

Man's Search for Meaning, Victor Frankl
Who Moved my Cheese
The Millionaire Next Door
Guerrilla Marketing (his whole series)
Total Money Makeover (there is a strong statistical corollary between debt and weight gain... shed debt and shed pounds!)
The Well Educated Mind
Don't Eat the Last Dounut
Parenting with Love and Logic
The First 10,000 Russian words in Order of Usage

Monday, February 2, 2009


Preparation principles:

Smoothies are endless! These are a great way to impress guests or children when you are trying to serve up something sweet, but stay sugar-free.

You can go for creamy or icy, either adding or leaving out the soy milk, yogurt or powdered milk. Be brave and trust the natural sugars in the fruit you choose. Typically very ripe fruit works best, although frozen fruits will work very well. I love the frozen blueberries and triple berry combo at Costco. You can eat blueberries frozen, but you can also leave all of these berries out for an hour or so, and it will add a different and interesting consistency to your smoothies. The older the banana the more sugar it contains. We also add greens into many of these- my little ones call it "the green banana" and drink them right up.

Orange Julius

In a blender, add vanilla soy milk and a cup of orange juice or 1/4 cup of orange concentrate. Add a splash of vanilla and blend until frothy. Then add in 4-8 ice cubes. This is very tasty! Juice a raw orange into it just for fun, or top with orange zest. Put orange peels down the disposal to freshen the sink up.

Banana Date Smoothie

Blend: vanilla soy milk and 1-2 bananas, depending on your banana threshold. Add in 3-4 mejool dates, available in most bulk health stores and even at Wal-mart and Costco Add ice cubes if desired. The longer you blend, the more air is whipped in, which makes the drinks taller and more filling.

PB and Banana

Blend: vanilla soy milk, banana (s) and a table spoon or two of PB.

Strawberry Creme

Blend: Strawberries- blend a half carton hulled, adding in a carton of yogurt. I love the Mountain High brand, but any low-sugar yogurt will do well. For some tang and protein, add in 1/2 cup of cottage cheese.

Berry Berry

Blend: frozen raspberries, strawberries and a few blueberries in a small amount of juice, water or soy milk. Add in generous amount of cubes and enjoy!

Peach Dreams

Blend: can of peaches, a few squirts of honey or Splenda, followed by the ice cubes. MMM!

For the Chocolate Lovers

Blend: one cup of soy milk, one packet of sugar-free hot chocolate and mint extract. Add 3-4 ice cubes. Options: almond or coconut extract, adding in nuts if you have a high-power blender, adding in cocoa or double chocolate madness, adding in raw coconut, raspberries, or cinnamon.

Portion Potion

How big is a portion? How much should we eat?

A portion is typically the size of your fist. Hold up your hand, make a fist, and compare it to the amount of pasta on the plate. You'll notice that there is a major portion distortion in nearly all restaurants- we can easily be eating three or four times the amount needed!

The exception to this rule is salad, veggies and fruit. Eat as much as you'd like. Stay away from sauces and dressings- most of them pack over 100 calories a tablespoon! Spritzers are a great way to wet a salad and add great flavor. I love honey mustard, raspberry vinagrette, and Italian flavors.

So, on you plate, have a portion of protein, portion of greens and a portion of a whole grain or fruit. Chew each bite at least twenty times, actually tasting, experiencing and enjoying the essence of the foods. When is the last time you really tasted an apple, a potato or carrots?
Let your cavewoman taste buds remember, and you will begin to crave the foods in their natural state!

Green Goddess Goodness

What is a green smoothie? It's the tastiest way ever to introduce the amounts of greens our bodies need in the most digestable way possible. Literally, the wrinkles on my face have been fading, my energy is up, my digestive tract is clear and my sweet cravings are less.

Preparation Principles: These are traditional smoothies with greens mixed in. If you hate pulp, decide that you have puckery cellulite and wrinkles more, and make these daily!

Take a large handful of any green, add a large glass of water and blend. Then add a cup or so of frozen blueberries and a banana- the older the better. I love using my frozen brown ones.

Some combos:

Spinach and blueberries (my favorite)
Spinach, strawberries and banana
Spinach, soymilk, orange juice and raspberries
Red leaf lettuce with mangoes and a splash of lemon juice
*Google "green smoothie" and you'll get dozens of recipes!

Spinach and red leaf lettuce blend instantly with almost no pulp. Kale and endive are tasty too, but have more bits. More fruit makes it more sweet, and be brave! The first time you'll be shocked by the color... and then be shocked by how your body craves color!

Perfect Push-ups

What should you feel? Your core feels strong and stiff as you lower, then the abdominals actually push you up, rather than trying to muscle your shoulders and neck.

The How-to: On your knees, hips forward in line with the angle of your keeps. Hands in wide stance just outside of the shoulders, hands in at a slight angle. Looking forward slightly, the elbows hinge, lowering you down. Your body stays in one strong line. To lift, an invisible thread behind your belly button lifts you up toward the sky. Exhale on the hardest parts of any exercise- in this case, on the way up. Note: Watch yourself in the mirror. Are you doing push-ups or butt-ups? Get your fanny down in line with your knees, girl!

Push-ups are almost exclusively responsible for my back and arm muscles.

If you are ready to leave your knees, go one legged, and out in a full plank position. If you need big challenge, do them one legged!
A few short years ago, Trish Whillite had a new baby, a new figure, and no swimsuit options. Speedos and triangles ruled the racks; where were hot swimsuits for real people? The absense of well-fitting, sexy and tasteful swimsuits inspired Trish to start Modbe Clothing to not only make swimsuits, but to send a big message to the world: all women deserve clothes that flatter, and sexy and modest can be the same thing! As Modbe, you have chosen to be a leader among women, sharing this message, making great friends and great money along the way. It's time to keep inspiring women to be their best with the Desert Island Swim Preview and Challenge!


This is week two of the challenge. If you are reading this, we invite you this minute to begin. No excuses. We are saying "Heck no!" to sugar for one week, doing our age in push-ups daily and the awesome Moving with Modbe DVD twice. This is going to give us the power to say "heck yes!" to the swim line and other surprises Modbe has ready. We're going to strut our stuff and inspire women because of it!

1. Sugar- free for one week means you get one cheat day through Sunday. Plan that day off! Then plan your menu and concentrate on feeding your body what it needs. The Modbe Pilates blog has a full shopping list, one week menu plan and recipes, as well as hydration and pilates advice to keep you on track. Email daily to let her know that you did the day sugar-free or if you need her to talk you off the ledge away from temptation! For an added kick, stay away from fried and fast food this week too.

2. has instructions on your push-ups... do you age!

3. Consultants and clients from all over the nation are seeing results with the Movin' With Modbe DVD! Listen to these comments:

"I just want to tell you how much I have been enjoying this pilates DVD. I had never done pilates and wasn’t even really exercising but I have been inspired to step it up and I love having this in addition to cardio and weight lifting. Thanks for doing this, I have found something physical that I truly enjoy which is really rare for me." T.S.
"I have been doing the Moving with Modbe workout for about 3 solid weeks now-I am already feeling the difference. I am totally game for the challenge. Question: is this only good for consultants? Or can I let my customers know about this???" E.W. Answer: Challenge your clients and send them to the blog!

"We love your DVD and the way we feel when we do it. We have been doing it three times a week since September. We want to look and FEEL great in our bodies. Thanks for your help in getting us there!"

"I have actually been doing the DVD twice a week for a few months now and hit my "30 times" a few weeks a go. I can personally account to the whole new body. I love it! Thank you--really!! I have never been motivated to do anything like this before and I'm a little surprised at how easy and effective it was." R.P.

"A girl on my downline has lost two inches in a month." A.S.

"This DVD kicked my butt." T.H.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Menu Ideas- Week Two

Here are some possible menu suggestions to help you stay energized throughout the sugar-free week! This is listed in order of: breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, snack. These are meals that I make at home. If you want the recipes, blog in and I'll post them.

Banana-nut whole wheat pancakes with yogurt or applesauce
Green Smoothie
Glass of Water

Large juicy pear
Handful of raw nuts (almonds, walnuts)
Large Water

Lentil Soup
Large Spinach Strawberry Salad w/ Spritzer dressing
Large water with lemon

Zucchini Marinara Sauce over Spaghetti Squash
Leftover Spinach Salad or Warmed Spinach with Balsamic Vinegrette
Orange Julius

Fruit Salad with yogurt and walnuts

Homemade oatmeal with walnuts, raisins and grated apples
Green Smoothie
Large Water

Cottage cheese and peaches

Egg Salad Supreme on Wholewheat toasted bread
Carrots sprinkled with garlic salt or honey
Orange Slices

Dried fruit (plums, cherries, apricots) and raw nuts
Large Water with lime

Minestrone Soup
Large Spring Salad with pinenuts, sprinkle of feta and Spritzer
Leftover Fruit Salad

Fresh pineapple

Sunny Side Eggs
While Wheat Toast
Green Smoothie

Triscuits and Cottage Cheese
Large Water

Baked Potato with cottage cheese, fresh tomatoes, Salt and Pepper
Leftover Orange Julius
Largish water

Chicken Tortellini Soup
Steamed Broccoli and Carrots
Mandarin Orange Side salad

Frozen Blueberries in soymilk- icecream! MMM!

Breakfast quiche, using leftover Broccoli and carrots
Apple Sauce (homemade!)
Large Water

Wheat toast with tuna
Large Water

Leftover Tortellini Soup
Triscuits and tuna, cottage cheese
Large Water

Green Smoothie
Large Water

Chicken Caccitore (Crockpot)
Spinach, Greenbean Almonde
Orange Slices
Banana-date smoothie

Sugar-free hot chocolate
Handful of almonds

Whole wheat french toast with yogurt
Mandarin Oranges
Green Smoothie

Triscuits with Blackbean Salsa
Large Water

Turkey Avacado wrap with Spinach, hot mustard and fat-free swiss cheese or mayo
Ruby Red grapefruit segments
Large Water

Leftover quiche or hard boiled eggs
Large Water

Whole wheat crust pizza with blackbean salsa, peppers, Easy Red marinara
Southwestern Salad (green peppers,mexicorn, salsa dressing)
Large Water

Boiled apples in honey and ginger

Omlette- chop and use veggies that you'll use for stir fry tonight
Green Smoothie

Pizza snack

Baked potato with Leftover salsa, cottage cheese and pepper
Yogurt, cottage cheese and fruit smoothie

Peanut butter and veggies, or PB and bananas, rolled in cocoa and nuts

Stir fry with Basmati rice
Large Water

Tuna sandwich on whole wheat
Hot chocolate (sugar free)

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Sample Survival Shopping List

Here is a sample Costco shopping list for a nutrient-rich, filling meal plan. Use these guidelines to help you shop anywhere.

Spring Salad Mix (with Honey Mustard Salad Spritz, grape tomatoes and pine nuts)
Spinach Bag (put spinach in everything:soups, pastas, smoothies, wraps)
Broccoli Bag (steam in your rice cooker and eat a serving daily. Make salads out of it, stir fry it, chew it, add it to soups).
Baby carrots in individual bags- easy and sweet. Use it to snack and to cook.
Canned chicken- easy for chicken salads, all soups, chicken dishes, etc.
Raw almonds- yum!
Raw walnuts-yum!
Yogurt- Mix with cottage cheese, add to fruit salad and sprinkle walnuts in, freeze for fun.
Cottage cheese- eat with Triscuits, fruit, yogurt, add it to smoothies for protein, put in lasagna.
Soy Milk- the Kirkland brand Vanilla is amazing, the best on the market. It keeps on the shelf, which keeps me out of the store, which saves me a ton of money. I use it in everything, except soups and mac and cheese, in which I use powdered milk.
Fruit, fruit, fruit: do it! Their produce is wonderful.
Carrot juice
Dried Plums
Dried Cherries
All natural maple syrup and honey
Amy's soups: the lentil is amazing!
Costco organic instant oatmeal is low in sugar, has satisfying portions and is cheap.
Cherry tomatoes! Mmmm!
Avacados- guac with fat free mayo, avacados on turkey wraps, in salsas. Serves well as a butter substitute.
Costco's whole wheat bread two pack is cheap and VERY high in fiber- 6 grams a slice!
Organic Peanut butter- filling, has safe fats, and tastes great with apples.
Frozen salmon sections- wonderful broiled
Chicken breasts
Whole wheat pasta
Vegetarian or Turkey chili (watch the fat)

Stay away from: almost everything else at Costco! Trail mixes and granola bars are full of fat and calories. Energy drinks and juices have a ton of hidden calories, and the samples... well... they're naughty.

The Sweet Life Without Sugar

Week two of the Desert Island challenge seems like it would be easier if we really were on an island: six days with no refined sugar. Can you do it? Yes!

First... why? If you know why, you can deal with how! Refined sugar robs us of nutrients. It overloads our taste buds, masking the real taste potential of fresh fruits and vegetables. Sugar is loaded with calories minus the vitamins- hence the term "empty calories." Sugar satisfies our hunger when our blood sugar levels are out of whack, which further confuses the body. Sugar spikes glucose levels in our bloodstream, giving us a quick high, which is then followed by an insulin glut and sugar low. The insulin roller coaster ride is one with a big toll on the body: lowered metabolism, mood swings, premature aging, decreased mental ability and weight gain.

Then why the cravings? Because the stuff is tast-ee to the Nth degree. Because our culture revolves around self-satisfaction, marketing through intoxicating scents, group eating and having fun. Sugar is social, sensual(fulfills sensory needs) and the short run.

So how can you meet these needs and kick the sugar addiction?

First, your body will crave less and less sugar as you feed it the nutrients it needs. Eating a rainbow will not only make you look great because of weight loss, but colorful foods feeds the body's largest organ- your skin- and makes us younger. Literally. A great book on the topic of age reversal and nutrition is the Perricone Prescription. He discusses how refined sugars actually slow collagen production and cause us to age... and how greens, carrots and other colorful foods actually slow or even reverse this process.

If you are hydrated and well fed, eating at least six small meals a day, then your body's survival system won't have to kick in! Your cavewoman ancestor gene won't tell you to kill a donut to survive a glucose low. Your blood sugar will already be balanced and the cravings will be less.

Eating, eating, eating is the key. Emotionally, when you have a plan and proactively pursue your nutrition, you will not have the resentment of being denied food. Cutting out sugar will not be seen as a punishment. This isn't a diet- this is your nutrition. The days of dieting ended at about age 25. It's all about how we'll live for the rest of our lives.

Cheat day... you need one. Food is social and it is sensory- we need our outlets, we need pleasure. But we have to earn it, and see it as the treat, not the norm.

The first days sugar-free could be difficult physically, just as a warning, if you do not feed your body. There is sugar withdrawal, and headaches are normal. Let your body detox. Drink enough water to flush the old sugars and salts out, and hang in by feeding your body on purpose. Health doesn't happen on accident, just as happiness does not. We have to choose it!

Ideas for sugar craving:

1. Get your menu together asap. Plan all three meals, snacks, beverages, etc.
2. Predict pitfalls. If you have a Costco size bag of Peanut M&Ms... take it to one of your clients!
3. Ask someone to do this with you. Call her or me when you are tempted! 801.792.3792
4. Analyze your craving: are you hungry? Are you thirsty? Are you stressed? Are you trying to reward yourself or show yourself who's boss?(What need is your craving try to satisfy?)
5. Go shopping. Get your cupboards stocked with lots of fruit, yogurt, raw nuts, low fat cottage cheese, water, etc. Here are some of my favorite treats:

a.frozen blueberries in soy milk (it turns to ice cream in minutes)
b.raw almonds and dried cherries
c. canned sugar-free fruit, especially peaches, with cottage cheese
d. smoothies! I will post recipes for a bunch of them. These are sugar free and unbelievable
e. fruit, fruit, fruit: pineapple, kiwi, mangoes, bananas, fruit salads, etc.
f. protein drinks: these can be hit and miss, but Wild Oats and Costco have some excellent chocolate choices.
g. Oatmeal, warmed fruit and spices. You can make sugar-free cobblers.

Water World

"Adequate water intake" means that you drink enough water that your urine is almost clear or the color of lemonade. Counting glasses of water is too much work; so just drink plenty of water and don't go for the gold. Watch out for juices and sports drinks! They can be very high in calories, especially when you consider servings. For example, Vitamin Water bottles actually have 2.5 servings in them! Juices can easily be diluted, but stay away from energy drinks and sodas. Carbonation is a killer when it comes to your cardio endurance- it will suck the air right out of you and make your lungs feel constricted.

Remember that your body is a chemical reaction happening every minute. You need water, blood sugar and oxygen to complete the experiment of fitness. If you're missing out on any of these elements you won't be reaching your potential or feeling as loose and light as you could.

So drink up! Carry a large water bottle, buy bottled waters if you like those, set your microwave timer for every 60 minutes and drink when it beeps, drink after each restroom stop, or write notes reminding yourself to drink. You can do it!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Deseret Island Swim Challenge

Desert Island Swim Challenge

Week One: Drink adequete amounts of water, eat something green everyday, and do the Moving With Modbe DVD twice.
Week Two: Eat sugar only one day this week; plan your cheat day ahead of time! Do thIe video twice.
Week Three: Get at least 7 hours of sleep a night for 5 of the 7 days; do your age in push-ups everyday and the DVD twice this week.
Week Four: Ready for the swim launch?! You bet! Two days of cardio, two video, one weight lift day. Watch the blog for weights advice!

Those who wish to enter this challenge should email asap to sign up. Please include your name, region and status. Challenge begins THIS WEEK.