Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Music to the Soul

"Music is what feelings sound like." -Anonymous

Music can transform the most tedious of chores and exercise into a powerful, motivating experience. The Modbe Move line was specifically designed to fill this need with those amazing little pockets for your ipod and the great music on the Movin' DVD. Download any music that you love, whether it's rock or Rachmanonov- and just do it now. Get up and go today. It will be easier with music. Keep a list of songs you love, and don't be afraid to ask people for their playlists!

Speaking of which, here is an introduction to my playlist for aerobics classes, jogging, and getting the house cleaned. Use the "listeners also purchased" feature on iTunes to sample other electronic and dance tracks.

Song Titles

Moderate/High Heart Range

Snake Food
Feelin' Good
Time bomb
When Doves Cry (Cardio Mix)
Hung Up
Moonlight Sonata, Cannon in D (Classical Cardio)
Heart of You (Euro Club Hits)
My Shooter
Kemkraft 400
Pull (Solid Deep Mix)
Summer Haze (my favorite song)
Happy Valley
Just Like Heaven
Take me Out
Call On Me
Should I Stay
Green Day- most of their music, especially Holiday
U2- Elevation
Sahra Saidi
Big Girl
Ojos Asi
Santa Maria from Gotan Project
Nachna Onda Nei
Eye of the Tiger
Stayin' Alive- N Trance
Every Single Day
Buddy Holly
Hazy Shade of Winter
Beverly Hills

Cardio Scale Means Less on the Scale!

If you train the same, you stay the same. To achieve the results we are all capable of, we have to get out of our comfort zones and take our efforts to the next level. Interval training is one of the best ways to do this, is a great mind-body teaching tool, and is one of the only ways to shift metabolism up. Interval training means that in a cardio workout we raise our heart rates, back off, raise our heart rates, back off, and so on. Doing this trains our hearts to handle harder loads over a sustained periods of time. How high should our heart rate go and for how long?

To know how hard your heart is pumping, the best way is to use "The Perceived Scale of Exertion." What does this mean? On a scale of 1-10, 1 is zoning in front of the t.v. and 10 is a full-out gazelle intense sprint. To build a stronger heart, we need to train our bodies between a 5-9. Here is the talk-test scale:

5=glistening, getting heating up, but could chit chat with a friend
6=working hard enough that talking would be an irritation, could sustain intensity for 8 minutes
7=could give one or two word answers, could sustain intensity for 6-7 minutes
8=incapable of conversation, very intense
9=full out, anaerobic

Your challenge:
In two cardio workouts this week, either walking, biking or a group exercise class, used this scale to interval train. Take the first two minutes to warm up, then hold a level five for one minute, a level six for a minute, then so on to a nine. Return your heart rate back to the six, and repeat the sequence two more times. The last round through, if you have doctor clearance, go for a ten, then cool down for five minutes. If you have health issues, just focus on getting out of your comfort zone, out of the familiar. We all can do something. If you miss a day, just keep moving ahead. A little something is better than a big nothing!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Field of Dreams

To make things happen physically, we have to create them mentally first. Here is an example: I had a good friend who made it to the Olympic tryouts in the triple jump. The amazing thing about this is that she was only 5'5"! She shared with me how her coaches would have her sit in front of the track and visualize herself perfectly performing the event for a half hour at a time. By the time she was ready to practice or compete, she had already done the jumps perfectly 500 times in her mind, and then her body could follow suit. Mentally, are we seeing ourselves strengthening and succeeding, or are we beating ourselves up? This week your challenge is to control your thoughts as you exercise: see yourself feeling relaxed and strong. Cut out the complaint and noise and comparison from your mental dialog. Replace it with the truth that you are beautiful, capable and tough!

Why do workout clothes matter? In the book "Mindless Eating" the authors explain that people usually start a workout plan not when the scales tip, but when their clothes don't fit right. For example, inmates in jail tend to gain weight, despite the yucky food. Why? Because of their big jumpsuits! They had no way feel that their health was sliding. Are your workout clothes a jumpsuit? Are in you health prison? Modbe's fitness line finally gives us the option to look and feel sexy when we workout, and to workout hard because of the fine construction of the clothing. So tell your clients to ditch the grey sweat pants and T-shirt and set themselves free with the Modbe Move line. Also, when we make an investment in something we tend to stick with it more. Share with people that these top of the line athletic clothes will help them to commit to their health.