Friday, February 13, 2009

Weight Training 101

"I'm afraid I'll get big and bulky and sprout hair out my chin."

Well, no you won't ladies. Resistance training, sometimes called weight training or weight lifting, when done correctly, rarely bulks ups the female frame. In fact, using bars, machines and hand weights will actually lean you out faster than an exercise regime with cardio only.

The more muscle mass you have, the harder your body must work to carry that mass around. That means your metabolism, or the rate at which you burn calories, will increase. Weight training is one of the only ways to increase your metabolism; the other is interval cardio workouts. Your body burns...drum calories carrying around fat. On the other hand, you burn three calories per pound of muscle on your body! Also, weight training is one of the best and only ways to build bone density. So you must lift weights to hit your weight and health goals!

Oh yeah- and your body looks great too! Cut arms and the great cut of a Modbe swimsuit=euphoria!

So how do you get started and how much should you do?

1. Choose a time and place and do it consistently, at least twice a week. Pump up your favorite music to pump up your body!
2. If you're at home, buy some hand weights, 5 and 8 lbs., or heavier if you need it.
3. There are excellent books on exercises for specific muscle groups. I like Body for Life. It's at all of the libraries.
4. Do upper body on one day, lower body and abs on another. Your goal is to fatigue the muscle group completely. This means that by the last five or so reps, you should be wondering if you can finish.
5. Slow and steady will get you more results than fast, out of control movements.
6. Use the mind-body connection you've gained through pilates to isolate the targeted muscle groups.
7. Use your core! Bicep curls- do it balanced on one foot. Tricep overhead reaches- tuck in the abs so that your low back is protected.
8. You can use your own body weight. When squatting, for example, you can concentrate on flexing the quads on the way up, and pushing through your hamstrings if you aren't ready for the weights yet.
9. Don't be embarrassed if you don't know muscle names or exercises. The Internet, Youtube, and library are full of great resources. Almost all gyms will let you have a free two-week membership; get it, and then use the desk folks and trainers. Have them show you around and how to use the equipment.
10. You can do more than you think! Be fearless but wise, and make sure you take ten minutes to stretch.

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